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Showing posts from August, 2012

6 Months Old

Taking a break from watermelon to smile for dad Little Joe is just about 6 months old and has changed significantly since my last post.  I regret that I haven't been able to update this blog recently, but we've had a lot going on with work over time for me, Rachael's father visiting for a week, and, of course, little Joe demanding more and more attention. While Rachael's father visited at the end of July - little Joe was around 5 months - he started rolling when we left him on the floor.  By the time he left, it was common for us to see he had rolled over 3 or 4 times before we noticed he had moved at all.  Since then, he has been pushing himself up and has been attempting to crawl, to no avail at this point. He also has started eating some solid foods - watermelon, peaches, and other fruit to this point.  He's really just putting it in his mouth and tasting it a bit before spitting it out, but it's great to see him starting to eat and take an interest i