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Showing posts from September, 2014

2 and a half ( plus a month )

Hiking in the mountains with mom and dad Things have been insanely busy for us lately - I'm still working two jobs and have two classes left for my degree and Rachael is working more.  In addition to all of that, it looks like we're going to be having another baby around the beginning of May next year.  I regret that my time commitment here has fallen off but I've been enjoying spending as much time as I can with little Joe. Joe's at the point that he can understand just about anything we ask of him and can formulate some sort of sentence response to us.  He loves talking about trucks, cars, airplanes, rockets, and trains and enjoys every chance he gets to get out and be outside.  He just started sleeping in his own bed in the last week, even though its still just next to ours, and still sleeps through the night most nights. His health issues have all but disappeared to this point, with the exception of a minor ear infection every once in a while.  It looks like