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Showing posts from 2015

Visiting pop-pop and grammy for the first time

Hanging out on the couch and relaxing  with the kids Tomorrow we leave for a short but much-needed vacation to Phoenix to visit Rachael's father and brother.  It'll be everyone's first opportunity to meet Nora and have a chance to see how much Joe has grown since they last saw him.  Wayne hasn't seen Joe since before he turned three and Wes hasn't seen him since just before we left for Belgium when Joe was only 8 months old.  It'll be a great weekend, I'm sure. Nora is just about 6 months old now and just loves to smile and spend time snuggling with mom and dad.  She has parts of three lower teeth in now and has been gumming soft food for about 3 weeks now - sweet potatoes, bananas, and steamed carrots mostly.  She also loves grabbing at just about anything we put near our mouths, especially glasses and cups.  She's still running in the 60-70 percentile for height and weight, which is a drop-off from her earlier rate but still is great to see.  She

The Shannons

Out at lunch with my wonderful family As always, I feel I need to add a disclaimer here about how busy I've been and apologize to myself - and whoever ends up reading this - about not keeping up with this blog.  It was easier with just Joe because my time home meant mostly quiet during his frequent naps and plenty of time to gather thoughts to put down, where now I feel I can barely keep up with sleep and other basic functions of life. Hectic life aside, I couldn't be happier with where I am right now as father.  Joe is at a wonderful age where he always wants to help us and be affectionate with Nora and we have started playing sports together rather than just hanging around the house.  He's really started taking an interest in baseball and soccer, and whenever I have the chance I try to at least kick the ball around the house a bit if I can't take him outside.  I'm hoping that once things settle down we can really spend some time together and work on some soc

Nora Caroline

Nora at 2 weeks old Nora Caroline Shannon was born on May 4th at 545pm.  She weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.  It's been quite the few months since my last post for our whole family and, while I constantly regret not being able to get here and write down my thoughts, when I look back I understand that we've been running on fumes for months.  Rachael and I both just finished our respective undergrad degrees and I spent a month doing 60-hour weeks to try to bank some money to tide us over while Rachel isn't getting a full salary for maternity leave. Rachael had the birth experience she wanted with Nora and I couldn't be happier for her.  She delivered at a midwife practice on King Street on Old Town Alexandria in a bedroom, not in a hospital hooked up to all the monitors we dealt with for Joe.  She was able to labor on her own and go for a walk with me around town early on and did a lot of her heavy labor standing or on all fours in bed.  She del

3 Years Old

Joe feeling Nora kick for the first time Today is Joe's 3rd birthday.  It seems like a lifetime ago that he was born and we met him for the first time, and in some ways I feel like it was the start of a whole new life for me.  I can't imagine a world where I come home and don't have a familiar 'Dada!' and a big hug waiting to greet me. Things with Joe have been wonderful lately, despite frequent temper tantrums in the evening that I think we can attribute to his changing sleep schedule.  He frequently plays on his own and often has entire conversations with his toys or other objects in the house that just crack us up.  Last night, for example, he was asking his asparagus, "What's wrong?" and petting it before eventually just popping it in his mouth and continuing on with dinner. Joe's vocabulary has expanded significantly in the last few months, and I feel like we're at the point where he pretty much understands everything we're say