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The Shannons

Out at lunch with my wonderful family
As always, I feel I need to add a disclaimer here about how busy I've been and apologize to myself - and whoever ends up reading this - about not keeping up with this blog.  It was easier with just Joe because my time home meant mostly quiet during his frequent naps and plenty of time to gather thoughts to put down, where now I feel I can barely keep up with sleep and other basic functions of life.

Hectic life aside, I couldn't be happier with where I am right now as father.  Joe is at a wonderful age where he always wants to help us and be affectionate with Nora and we have started playing sports together rather than just hanging around the house.  He's really started taking an interest in baseball and soccer, and whenever I have the chance I try to at least kick the ball around the house a bit if I can't take him outside.  I'm hoping that once things settle down we can really spend some time together and work on some soccer and baseball basics and maybe look to start getting him into some sports clubs or leagues here soon.

Nora has been doing much better since the colic issues we had with her the first 8 weeks or so.  She had been at the point where she would basically be crying anytime she was awake, and lately she only gets that way leading into a nap or if she really needs a diaper change.  Other than that, she's generally a very smiley baby and loves to hang out on her play mat or in her bed to play with her toys.

She is already at the point where she definitely recognizes me and smiles when I see her for the first time in a while, so getting home after a long day of work is getting more and more rewarding between the two of them.  Not too long ago I cringed before coming home at the thought of what was waiting for me, but now I can't get up the stairs fast enough to see how the two of them are doing.

We finally got our court orders back for our name change, so we are all officially The Shannons.  I've still got to find the time to get my government paperwork sorted out, but it feels good to have it done and I'm incredibly happy to move on from a stressful part of my life and into what has been a very welcome family in the Shannons.
