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Back in DC

Baby Joe reading with Pop-pop and Grammy on Christmas
It's been a good long while since I've had a chance to update little Joe's status.  Since my last post we've moved back to the US to Alexandria and have had a lot going on that has made it incredibly difficult to make the time to devote to a good post, which I sincerely regret since little Joe has been changing so much.

In the last 2 months he has picked up quite the vocabulary.  He can say words like 'banana', 'apple', 'bubble', 'pop', 'kiss', 'firetruck', and his most recent favorite 'aaaaa', which means 'airplane'.  He's really been enjoying videos of airplanes and boats on top of his go-to favorite firetruck videos.  He also has started doing puzzles and has been getting good at manipulating pieces and blocks, which he'd had problems with in the past.

Little Joe has been sick lately and not doing very well, but I'm hoping that he will soon get over it.  He also is scheduled to get ear tubes next week to help with the recurring ear infections he's been getting for the last year or so.  I'm not excited about the prospect of him going for any type of procedure, despite how relatively minor it is.  I'm looking forward to him not having constant infections and I'm hoping that he will not have any lasting effects.
