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3 weeks old

Little Joe is just over 3 weeks old now and doing great. From what we can tell he's exceeded doctors expectations with his health and ability to gain weight. He was 5lbs 10oz when Rachael took him to the doctor on Monday and at that rate should be over 6 pounds by now. It looks like by the time he would have been delivered after 40 weeks he'll be somewhere between 7 and 8 pounds, which is right where he should be.

So far things haven't changed much with him except his appearance - he's got some chubby cheeks and a bit of a double chin. He's still feeding every 2-3 hours depending on the schedule and amount of food we put him on, and it's been working quite well. Since he's still quite early on we hadn't expected much, and at this point we're just thrilled to have him home with us.

Rachael's started taking him out for walks during the day while I'm at work and we just had our first real outing with him last night when we took him out to dinner with our friends James and Amber. He had no issues and seemingly slept through the whole dinner, even though we were prepared with several bottles and diapers in case it was neccessary. Tomorrow we will be heading out for a bit to enjoy what has been some great weather, and we have an appointment to look at a 3-bedroom apartment for us to upgrade to when we move out of our current 1-bedroom apartment in June.
