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Little Joe is Home

Last week on March 2nd we took Joe home for the first time. He'd gained back most of the weight he had lost to that point - he'd been down to 4lb 5oz before getting back up to 4lb 10oz - and Rachael and I have been enjoying spending as much time with him as possible.

Joe spends most of his days as most newborns do - eating and sleeping. Since he is still a good deal under what doctors would like his weight to be at we have been feeding him every 3 hours night and day. It's been a rough adjustment for the two of us, especially since I went back to work this week. I've been spending my nights on the couch while Rachael feeds the baby throughout the night and I've been getting up around 5am to feed and change him before I head to work. It's definitely been more taxing on Rachael, and tonight I've offered to take care of him through the night so that she can try to catch up on her sleep.

The next few weeks look to be more of the same; we don't have any plans with family or friends and we've been reluctant to consider taking him out except on walks or to the doctor. That will likely change in the coming few weeks as the weather has been getting quite warm and with Daylight Savings sunsets will be around 7pm starting Sunday night and we can spend time with him outside after I get home from work.
