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Showing posts from 2012

9 Months and Living in Belgium

Baby Joe enjoying the scenery on the train from Brussels to Bruges Little Joe is coming up on 9 months old and is officially an ex-pat American living in Belgium.  He did fairly well on our overnight flight here last weekend, aside from fussiness prior to taking off.  After that and about an hour of play time he went to sleep and was out for most of the rest of the flight. Our first week has been a period of adjustment for him and he has been trying to get over jet lag as much as we have.  Initially he hadn't been sleeping much at night but after a week it looks like we've got him on a pretty good schedule and he's back to sleeping overnight. We've been driving a lot with him checking out the local towns and cities and he has generally been quite good.  Just like in the States he gets cranky after 8pm but it's not something we can't accommodate with some good planning on our part. On the development side he has been getting very good at picking up and

8 Months

Baby Joe enjoying his first packpack trip with dad at the Iwo Jima Memorial  Little Joe turns 8 months old tomorrow and has an exciting few years ahead of him; I recently accepted a position in Belgium and will be taking him and Rachael to Europe with me for what will hopefully turn out to be several years of travel, education, and excitement for him.  Rachael and I have always wanted to raise our children overseas and I'm hoping that we can hold out over there long enough for him to experience school in a foreign language and learn about the different cultures the world has to offer before we make a permanent move back to the US. On the development side, he's progressing along quite well.  Still in the 25th percentile for height and weight but in the 98th percentile for head circumference, which has me confident he will fill out as he gets older.  He recently had his top two teeth come through and has been eating solid, albeit mushed, food on a regular basis.  So far

Seven Months

Baby Joe after his first encounter with mashed potatoes Little Joe turned seven months last week and he's been making some great progress.  He recently started turning himself around on his stomach to face whichever direction he wants, along with fully pushing himself up with his arms.  It should be any day now when we see him starting to crawl off to get him where he wants to go. He's also started becoming significantly more interested in interacting with the world around him.  For instance, he's started reaching out when he wants to be picked up and wants to pick up and either throw or eat just about everything he sees.  He also has started making speech-like sounds... 'mama', 'baba' and other sounds when he's alone or excited.

Little Teeth

Baby Joe visiting with his great-grandmother D'Angelo Little Joe has finally got his bottom two teeth fully in, but not without a lot of pain, drooling, and fussing about it.  He's just starting to explore his new tools and is constantly running his tongue on them, sucking, and biting whatever he can find, which sometimes includes Rachael when she's feeding.  Not the most pleasant experience, it seems.  There look to be several more trying to make their way in soon, and not even Ora-Gel can relieve my poor little son's constant aching gums.  There have been plenty of distractions for us to provide that on occassion let him forget what he's going through; he's been laughing a lot more, exploring new types of food (mostly sweet and soft fruits like peaches, strawberries, and watermelon), getting closer to crawling, and enjoying his bouncy seat that we set up for him in the doorway of the bedroom.  He's even learned to turn the seat when we are behind him

6 Months Old

Taking a break from watermelon to smile for dad Little Joe is just about 6 months old and has changed significantly since my last post.  I regret that I haven't been able to update this blog recently, but we've had a lot going on with work over time for me, Rachael's father visiting for a week, and, of course, little Joe demanding more and more attention. While Rachael's father visited at the end of July - little Joe was around 5 months - he started rolling when we left him on the floor.  By the time he left, it was common for us to see he had rolled over 3 or 4 times before we noticed he had moved at all.  Since then, he has been pushing himself up and has been attempting to crawl, to no avail at this point. He also has started eating some solid foods - watermelon, peaches, and other fruit to this point.  He's really just putting it in his mouth and tasting it a bit before spitting it out, but it's great to see him starting to eat and take an interest i

4 Months Old

Little Joe taking in Yankee batting practice at Nationals Park Little Joe is now a little over 4 months old and has been surprising us every day with changes.  Recently he started sticking his tongue out us and trying to mimic our raspberry that we do for him every day and has been laughing and smiling a lot.  Mornings are a great time for him because he seems to always wake up happy with a smile on his face and waiting for us to show him something new. He's also started standing with our assistance and rolled over this morning for the first time.  He's also trying very hard to get his knees up under him so that he can start crawling and will grunt and get frustrated very quickly that he can't.  We generally don't let him try this for more than a few minutes because once he starts to cry he can be pretty difficult to calm again. He recently topped 13 pounds which is slightly down from his pace earlier of an ounce and a half a day but is still quite healthy.  He&

Three Months Old

Little Joe will turn three months old in a few days and things have been going well, minus a few speedbumps we've encountered along the way.  He was recently diagnosed with several issues that have impacted his ability to breathe properly which has caused us to take him out of daycare after only a few days so that we can monitor him more closely.  Rachael had noticed that he made gasping sounds and seemed to struggle to breathe at times, despite the diagnosis of severe reflux from our pediatrician.  This led to some prudent online research and a visit to an ENT last week who used a camera scope down little Joe's nose and throat to diagnose the issue.  It was a very stressful week for all of us, but in the end we are happy to have a diagnosis that both accounts for the issues we've noticed and gives us a path forward.  As long as little Joe continues to eat well and his breathing issues don't get to the point where he cannot breathe we will continue monitoring him and l

6 Weeks Old

Little Joe is 6 weeks old today and has been doing very well so far. His original due date was last week and he weighed in at an even 7½ pounds - right about where he would have been had he been born on time. For all the worry about having a premature baby, the fact that our biggest concern 6 weeks later is the reflux he seems to get in the evenings is a wonderful thing for Rachael and I. In the last few days Joe has become a lot more responsive to Rachael and I, including looking at us when we talk and what I think was a smile last night when I was holding him. Small things, but considering that up to this point he's been mostly sleeping or crying it's great to see some personality come out a bit. Now that he's up to a normal delivery weight the pediatrician has told us that we can work some flexibility into our feeding schedule. We're trying to figure out how we might be able to get him to sleep longer overnight and we've had a few nights where we could get hi

3 weeks old

Little Joe is just over 3 weeks old now and doing great. From what we can tell he's exceeded doctors expectations with his health and ability to gain weight. He was 5lbs 10oz when Rachael took him to the doctor on Monday and at that rate should be over 6 pounds by now. It looks like by the time he would have been delivered after 40 weeks he'll be somewhere between 7 and 8 pounds, which is right where he should be. So far things haven't changed much with him except his appearance - he's got some chubby cheeks and a bit of a double chin. He's still feeding every 2-3 hours depending on the schedule and amount of food we put him on, and it's been working quite well. Since he's still quite early on we hadn't expected much, and at this point we're just thrilled to have him home with us. Rachael's started taking him out for walks during the day while I'm at work and we just had our first real outing with him last night when we took him out to

Little Joe is Home

Last week on March 2nd we took Joe home for the first time. He'd gained back most of the weight he had lost to that point - he'd been down to 4lb 5oz before getting back up to 4lb 10oz - and Rachael and I have been enjoying spending as much time with him as possible. Joe spends most of his days as most newborns do - eating and sleeping. Since he is still a good deal under what doctors would like his weight to be at we have been feeding him every 3 hours night and day. It's been a rough adjustment for the two of us, especially since I went back to work this week. I've been spending my nights on the couch while Rachael feeds the baby throughout the night and I've been getting up around 5am to feed and change him before I head to work. It's definitely been more taxing on Rachael, and tonight I've offered to take care of him through the night so that she can try to catch up on her sleep. The next few weeks look to be more of the same; we don't have any

He has Arrived

On Friday, February 24th, Joseph Wayne D'Angelo was born at 7:24PM. It was quite the eventful week for us; Rachael was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia over the previous weekend and was admitted to the hospital when her blood pressure jumped after our dog Mojo died on Tuesday morning. The doctors determined that the best course of action was to deliver early to mitigate any possible long-term damage to baby or mom. Joseph has been in the NICU since he was born; he was born at only 4lbs 11oz and was quite underweight for his age. Since then, he has been steadily learning to eat on his own and today was finally taken off the IV that the hospital had been using to give him nourishment. We are hoping that he will soon be coming home - the hospital is waiting for him to be able to eat regularly and to maintain his body temperature and metabolism without external assistance. Rachael was finally discharged from the hospital today, and we have spent the day planning our schedule to see ou

Joseph Wayne

It turns out we are having a boy and decided on Joseph Wayne as a name. I come from a long line of Josephs, all with different middle names and up until me all DeVaul. I wanted to honor this tradition regardless of my last name change, and we decided on Wayne to honor Rachaels father. Rachael's been getting quite big lately, to the point where she is uncomfortable laying or sitting in the same position for any length of time. She's also outgrowing most of her coats she's had and some of her maternity clothes she'd bought at the beginning of the pregnancy. She's mostly in my clothes in the evening; baggy for her but comfortable I'm sure. Rachael has been feeling Joseph kick since week 16 or so, and I was able to start to feel it around week 22. It's been getting very powerful recently, and we can even watch her stomach move when he kicks hard. It's been amazing to see, and most of me isn't quite able to process what's been going on and how w